Integrate Ultra-wideband in your product

Ultra-wideband (UWB) made easy

What do we offer?

We provide UWB-based consultancy, contract research, and solutions for both localization and radar (obstacle detection, vital sign monitoring, activity recognition, device-free localization). Our expertise is available to improve existing UWB solutions or assist you to start from scratch. Our offerings encompass ready-to-use software libraries and antennas, consultancy services, and a user-friendly demo kit. Our goal is to provide you with the expertise and tools necessary to realize your UWB enabled solutions efficiently and effectively.


High accuracy

< 10 cm accuracy in metalic industrial environments through software, pcb and antenna optimizations.

High update rate

Up to 300 Hz without diagnostics and up to 100 Hz with diagnostics (CIR, FP_INDEX, etc.).

Low installation cost

Save time by automatically calculating the best positions of anchor nodes.

Robustness improvements

Automatic calibration of UWB radio settings to improve robustness.

Validation facilities

Use our validation facilities to test your UWB solutions in controlled or realistic environments (anechoic room, office environment, and industrial environment).

Our software solutions

Years of experience have provided us with an extensive repository of software solutions for both localization and radar. Our library encompasses algorithms that ensure enhanced accuracy and robustness. Furthermore, our custom embedded software library enables seamless integration with existing solutions.

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Our hardware solutions

Antenna design and UWB hardware integration in your project has significant effects on the obtained accuracy and robustness of the end product. Discover our options!

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Our validation facilities

Our facilities offer a cost-effective means to validate your UWB-enabled solution. Depending on your requirements, we can provide an ideal or realistic environment for testing and validation purposes.

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Pre-order a demo-kit

Experience the future of vital sign monitoring and single-anchor localization with our state-of-the-art UWB demo-kit.

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